Prof. Weber and other lab members have long been involved in multiple courses, modules, seminars, practicals or seminars most of which are listed on the Immunology homepage. Selected courses:
· Immunnology problem-oriented learning (POL) seminar for interdisciplinary groups of biochemists, biologists and medical students
· Seminar “Innate Immunity”
· Seminar “Principles of Innate and Adaptive Immunity”
· Module “Infection biology” (Molecular Medicine)
· Module “Immunology” (Biochemistry)
· Practical “Immunological techniques”
Average evaluation results have always been between 1 (A) and 2 (B) and through obtaining and implementing feedback from students we hope to maintain a very high quality of teaching across. Feedback always welcome!
The lab provides opportunities for lab rotations or to conduct their theses to BSc, MSc and visiting students and welcomes applications. Preference will be given to students who would like to join the lab for longer time periods and who are especially enthusiastic and studious. Each student is assigned a specific supervisor for the time in the lab and participates in regular meetings and seminars. Please contact the lab if you are interested.
Regular supervision and mentoring is of the utmost importance for the training of junior scientists and therefore an absolute priority in our lab. Through lab meetings, bi-weekly 1:1s and additional informal discussions every lab member is individually coached and has the opportunity to discuss her/his work and progress on a regular basis. Project presentations every 6 months provide an opportunity to review the overall progress of the project, and feedback on the presentations will be given and discussed individually. New lab members will be assigned a “lab angel” to facilitate their start in the team and PhD students will receive additional teaching regarding thesis writing and organizing their PhD. Scientific writing and good scientific practice are topics that regularly feature on our internal seminars. This is complemented by bi-annual retreats (one in house, one off site) where in-depth discussions on individual projects, potentials for innovation, upcoming opportunities and changes and team building activities are featured. Annual appraisals throughout the time in the lab help especially to provide mutual feedback, review and set mid-term and long-term goals and provide cues for career and skill development. Collectively, helping everyone in the lab realize their full potential at their current career stage and equip for the future is part of my personal mission statement.